
Worldcoin is now integrated with Minecraft, Reddit and Shopify

The crypto-based company Worldcoin is now integrated that work with Minecraft, Reddit, Telegram, Shopify and Mercado Libre.

Worldcoin is now integrated with Minecraft, Reddit and Shopify

Worldcoin is a project created by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman - was launched in the spring of this year. Its recent update of World ID offers a service which helps distinguish between'verified human' and bots' online. By creating a World ID profile and, in the event that you want, scanning your eyeballs.

For example, the new integrations offered by Worldcoin permit Shopify store owners to utilize World ID for fraud prevention and offers that are only available for a limited time. Reddit moderators have the ability to grant access to users who are using World ID to use their World ID to ensure they do not share spam messages.

As TechCrunch revealed, Tiago Mada head of Tools for Humanity at Worldcoin declared:

"This is not only an initial wave of apps however, it's a brand new developer platform that allows developers to build," Sada said. "We're curious to see what developers come up with. [...] the most innovative ideas that come by developers."

The degree of new World ID integration

This integration offers renewed authentication levels, creating three kinds of world IDs. The first level involves downloading the Worldcoin app and creating an World ID. In this case, there is no need to scan your irises - you just need to set up your profile.

Next, the standard or World ID Orb levels require the creation of a profile as well as having your iris scanned by the Worldcoin Orb, in order to confirm your identity. Finally, the 'high' level or World ID Orb+ requires that you also use facial recognition in order to be able to use the application protocol.

It's surprising that you don't have to insert a name when creating a World ID. As Sada said:

"You can utilize it completely without revealing your identity. The most important thing to do is showing that you're unique."

Users can make one "casual' World ID per device however, once decide to scan an Orb you may only hold one World ID.

Speak about the benefits from the World ID system Sada said:

"It's not ideal, but it can assist in stopping people from committing abuse of systems, like voting 100 times on a poll or having hundreds or even thousands of accounts,"

Worldcoin security concerns regarding data

While the crypto project has been growing steadily however, it's also facing criticism. Earlier this year, Kenya banned Worldcoin from scanning any more of its citizens' irises on the grounds that it did not inform users of the needed data and security measures it had taken.

In addition, some people have expressed concerns that Worldcoin focuses on developing countries with the promise of signing up to receive 25 WLD tokens (worth approximately $60.50). Despite this criticism, Worldcoin still maintains steady growth with around 5 million users worldwide having a World ID and 2.6 million users having scanned their irises using the Orb hardware.

Speaking on Worldcoins growth, Sada said:

"Five million people are very far from the world (adopting the concept,)"

"So (2024 can be) about improving the quality of life, while still reaching out to all the people in the world."
